Welcome to the links page! Here we link comics that we read and praise, obviously. Roll over the links to see their names and descriptions. If you'd like to do a link exchange, please contact us at sagansjagger @ hotmail.com. We DO NOT link to comics that are of questionable content. We like our younger readers. Anyway, enjoy these wonderful comics!
Link Exchanges
![Darken - An awesome action/adventure comic from the villans' point of view. Interesting character development and wicked art.](images/darken.gif)
![Feyenne - A fantasy story of a young woman named Keffria, her stereotypical blond hero friend named Galad, and that one bard guy who uses magic. Oh my!](images/feyenne.gif)
![Someplace Else - A comic with a lot of potential and gag-strip style humor relating to video games. The heroes, Yoshi and Greg, have to defeat Ultima to save the world.](images/nolink.gif)
More Cool Comics
![Angel Moxie - Three girls with Sailor Scout-esque powers team up to kill Yzin, the ultimate evil, while taking lessons on magic from a cat.](images/angelmoxie.gif)
![Fallen - With angels, demi-gods and measly mortals that are stuck in between, Fallen has great character development and a complicated plot that will knock your socks off. *PG Warning: Partial Nudity in 2 Strips*](images/fallen.jpg)
![Starcross'd Destiny - Now famous, this comic features Juno and her friends, who battle the powers that be using... their powers that be. *PG Warning: Language*](images/starcrossd.gif)
![Many Tidings Grim - A cute, tragic portrayal of the Grim Reaper, and an alien who befriends him.](images/mtg.gif)
![TimeScapes - A comic involving a goofy priestess who must go back in time to complete a crucial, world-saving quest that everyone else has procrastinated on.](images/timescapes.gif)
![9th Elsewhere - Join Carmen Cinea and Eiji, the muse, as they travel across her dreamscape in order to inspire her ability to write and help her adjust to her foster homes.](images/9thelsewhere.gif)
![Pointless - A comic with quite a weird story involving aliens or something, but art and color that just sings.](images/pointless.jpg)
![The Crow: Alicesynaerge - A woman who was burnt at the stake in the Middle Ages returns as a reluctant demon hunter, along with her womanizer companion, Pfifer.](images/fourmages.jpg)
![Redstring - A highschool girl discovers that her parents have arranged a marriage for her, without her permission. Follow Miharu in this story of romance, fate, and really short skirts.](images/redstring.jpg)
![Return to Sender - Made up on the fly, no one really knows what's going on with this loony comic. But, that doesn't matter - it's blue, and pretty, and the characters are a riot. *On Hiatus*](images/rts.gif)
![Earth Song Saga - A young woman named Willow who has no memory of her home planet is drawn into a war involving a sort of god named EarthSong, the core of the universe. Fabulous art and engaging story.](images/earthsong.jpg)
![Saturnalia - Based in the future, a cop named Sysreq unwillingly joins an underground rebellion group to protect the rights of Androids from people who hate them -- including himself. *PG Warning: Language; On Hiatus*](images/saturnalia.gif)
![Alpha Shade - One of the newer comics on the web, Alpha Shade, with a mix of fantasy and hand-drawn World War II like battles, is the most impressive use of flash I've ever seen. *PG-13 Warning: Gratuitious Violence*](images/alpha.jpg)
![Cat Legend - With complicated characters and impressive art, Cat Legend has signs of a master storyteller pulling the strings. It's incredibly engaging, and will easily allow you to lose hours at a time.](links/catlegend.jpg)
![Count Your Sheep - Involving a little girl, her mother, and her creatively done imaginary friend, CYS tackles tough issues that kids have like staying out of mud puddles, why there's no recipie for a better world, and how good grades should be gold enough to keep the T.V.](links/cys.gif)
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